Thursday, March 31, 2011

Earthquake in Japan

I think that the earthquake in Japan has done a lot to effect the whole entire world. Now that it has moved Japan and affected the earths axis that could do all sorts of things to the worlds weather. Also the big tsunami changed peoples life forever. I have never lost a brother or sister or a family member but I have lost people really close to me. I can not even imagine what it would be like to lose your family members to something so tragic like this and not even being able to say goodbye or anything. Not only that but this whole deal has caused the mud to set like concrete. Because the mud that comes into the with the tsunami is like an avalanche when it stops it sets immediately, with how fast this is all moving by how fast it stops it sets up just like concrete. This terrible thing happened to many houses and cars. Thousands of peoples homes and most valuable possessions were lost in this, it is mind boggling to think what they are going through. But personally the best way to get through this would just give as much help to all of them as possible. I think there is bigger issue happening as a result of this massive earthquake, the Nuclear power plants. With this leak in the power plant and not being able to get to the emergency shut of room is a very big problem. With all of this radiation leaking out it could cause a extremely large amount of casualties. Maybe not right away but in the future it could cause people to have cancer. As we have seen the effects that can happen from radiation poison from the Nuclear bomb the United States set off in Japan during WW2. This can cause birth defects too. So far from all of the radiation that has leaked it has poisoned many beef farms. The radiation in these farms is predicted to take 30 years to get rid of completely and it be safe to farm again. This is a very bad thing for the worlds economy, knowing that it is quite bad this is not helping one bit. And since Japan can not export things that are normally grown on farms it will not be able to be sold in our stores and we will start to have a shortage of these important foods. Also it has effected the car industry quite a lot! Because certain car parts that are made over in Japan can not be sent over to our factories. And parts needed over in Japan can not receive them from our factories. Also many car paint colors are not able to be used. There are about 10 colors that can not be used recently. Black and gray are two main ones, mostly for pick up trucks though, and that loses sells for people at car dealer ships because people are usually set on one kind of color car that they want. This also has a very negative effect on our economy. Hopefully Japan can get all of the money and aid needed to get back on their feet and have things back to normal soon. Many people who have houses that were effected by the radiation are told they will not be able to go back into their homes for at least a month if not more. This is also bad because now these people have no place to stay. I feel sorry for all of the victims of Japan and just hope the best for them.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Revolution in Libya

I think that this could cause many problems. This big revolution that is starting up in Libya could cause lots of different nations to join in together and fight all different countries. This could cause more wars to start erupting and eventually turn in to a World War 3, and today we have quite the amount of special technology which has made warfare turn much more violent and very destructive. Not only have our weapons gotten much more powerful but also our ways of getting information out of people. So when two opposing countries capture each others soldiers and want information about the others military plans. Trying to get this could get quite brutal in the sense of torture. Not only that but our new warfare weapons have increased which would intensify the violence. Also the U.S.A and the U.N. are supplying the rebels in Libya with weapons to fight off the government. Some families from Libya that live in the United States are leaving to back to Libya and help their country during this revolution. I think that the United States should give the rebels weapons but not send troops in to Libya to help out. If we do this then all of Libya’s allies are going to come in and try to help the Libya government and this could cause a mass destruction. I think that this whole thing should be left alone in Libya. The whole entire world did not come in and help the United States when we had our revolution with Britain. We only had help from the French and that is because we would have lost with out it. The rebels may have lost without our help which it is okay for us to supply them with weapons but not troops. Not to mention that our whole entire deal in Iraq and Baghdad is taking up much of our countries military forces. I also wish that Libya would have had their revolution earlier before all of these nuclear bombs were invented because by the end of this there will be lots and lots of casualties because the leader said that he would not resign, he would have all of the rebels killed before he steps down. Also if the rebels keep on getting more and more weapons and ammunition from the United Nations then I think that the Libyan government will have some of their troops come and invade or even bomb the United States or other nations involved in the United Nations. And if this happens it would cause like the biggest chain reaction of warfare in history. Many terrorists who hate all of these good countries also could make a plan with the Libyan president and bomb some of the major cities in the world. And usually the most popular cities are the most populated so this would cause huge amounts of casualties. Even though all of the United Nations probably have the best military if we get attacked like crazy everyone will just freak out and kill everyone and nuke all enemy countries. So either Libya should make one huge push and try and take out all of the rebels and keep continuing the country or the rebels need to do the opposite. One of these plans is either going to succeed or fail. Either way it will cause Libya to be out of this huge mess they got into. And if the United Nations thinks that the winning side is not the right side to be in control then to make a major push to end the war and help Libya to rebuild their country.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


This is how the nuclear plants in Japan are having problems and the people are trying to shut them down.