Thursday, May 5, 2011


I want high school to be one of the best experiences ever. Everybody says that high school is and should be one of the best times of your life. I want to have fun and not just sitting around doing nothing all the time. Also I would like to be on the Jordan High basketball team. Basketball is my favorite sport so I am hoping to be able to make the basketball team also. But then I know that I need to keep my grades up and not slack off so that I can get into a good college. Not everybody cares about high school. They think that it is pointless and a very large waste of time. And when people think this they usually tend to drop out of high school. I also want to make sure that I keep all of the rules the best that I can so I don’t get kicked out. Because if you get kicked out of a high school or middle school it looks really bad on resumes and applications. There is also many things I want to accomplish while I am going through out my high school career. I want to have a job and be able to make lots of money so that I can get cool stereo systems in my car. But first want to make sure that I have enough money to go at and buy myself a car. I do not want to use a loan or borrow money from my dad. Because if I do that then I will be in debt for quite awhile and being in debt sucks! Also I want to prepare to go on a LDS mission. But also I want to stay away from drugs, drugs have absolutely no point! Everybody I have ever talked to said that they highly regret trying it, even if they are not addicted to it. They say it was dumb and they should have never been in that situation. But not only with drugs I want to stay away from I want to make sure that I stay away from all forms of alcohol. I think that alcohol is just as dumb to do as drugs. Also I think that it would be fun to go out and do things that are fun and adventurous. I have 13 siblings and 10 of them have graduated or made it through high school. They have told me many fun things to do. There are so many ways to have fun with out getting in to trouble with the law. Also I have a goal to keep my grades at a 3.5 GPA. I think that GPA is good enough to get into a college that I want to. Also I hope to keep my good friends that I have right now because choosing the right friends through out high school is extremely important! They can effect everything that you do good or bad. Also they can be come lifelong friends.

Friday, April 29, 2011


Humpty Dumpty was sitting on a wall and he had the whole town surrounding him. This town was larger then most towns in the area. This town was having big elections for who was being to be crowned king. They were each giving speeches on why they should become king. Humpty came very last, so he knew what he was going up against. Humpty was so focused on giving such a good speech that everyone would vote for him. People were expecting his speech to the most wonderful speech. Many were comparing to Martin Luther King Jr’s “I have a dream speech.” After Humpty got himself all buttered up and made sure that he looked as good as possible he went out to the podium. The whole audience started roaring, you could feel the rumble in the ground. Humpty gave his best speeches when he was most comfortable. So everyone knowing that he had to walk about one mile over to his most comfortable wall. He was on his walk he was enjoying his walk and view. Like all politicians there are people who love them but also hate them. So Humpty knowing this he hired quite a lot of security to come and escort him to his wall. He had many encounters with this, one came to close for comfort. One group had a distraction and while the security went over to take care of them there ambush group came up and tried to brake his shell with sticks. So they had to hurry a little faster to get to his wall. Once they arrived Humpty got all situated on his wall and sat comfortably. By now everyone was dying to hear the speech! Humpty reached into his pocket to grab it and started searching; he couldn’t find it. After searching through all of his pockets frantically he could not find it anywhere. Half of his men had to walk back along the path to find it. The other half stayed back to protect him. His men were gone for what seemed like forever but then finally made it back to give him his speech. They told him that he had forgotten the speech in his room. Finally everybody could here the amazing speech they had been dying to hear. Humpty opened up his speech and started to talk. Everybody was so into his talk nobody noticed anything else that was happening, not even his guards. People were still trying to make it so Humpty would not become king. Humpty was at the climax of his speech when all of the sudden somebody popped up out of no where with the rest of the people who wanted Humpty to fail. And they all started throwing things trying to make his shell brake. The guards were to busy trying to stop the people throwing things someone got up on the wall and pushed him off. Then he fell to the bottom and splattered everywhere! His men ran over and picked him up then ran him to the hospital as fast as they could and gave him to the best surgeon around. Not even the best could save him.

Friday, April 8, 2011

fridays article

This article is about the big nuclear accident that happened in Chyrnoble. This accident was the biggest nuclear accident ever in history. This was even worse than Japan’s accident, even though Japans was caused by the earthquake and tsunami that hit. Also it talked about when people went in they had to wear masks and suites so they were not effected by the radiation that is still there. They went into a kindergarten and saw all of the things kids usually like to play with were covered in radioactive dust. This left the country with a debt almost incalculable. They predict that this will take at least a few decades to fully clean up.
Some key points in this article are how many people were effected, also how long it will take for this city to be completely clean for people to come back in here. Also it was known to be one of the best cities to live in.
I thought it was extremely striking on how much radiation was piled up throughout the whole entire city. Also the amount of time it will take to clean it all up.
If this happened to me I am not sure how I would feel because I would be dead.
I agree on how long it will take to clean up the whole city.
This has influenced me on how bad nuclear accidents can effect people.
I could find further information by searching Chyrnoble.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

thursdays article

This article is about a man who was claimed to be on the B-29 bomber that flew over Hiroshema Japan. But official articles and records that the military has prove that he was never on that flight. The one who they said fell ill never got sick and he did attend this flight. The bombers had one that dropped the atom bomb then others to note descriptions of it and also take pictures. But military records do show that the man who supposedly went did go on a flight before the bomb then days after the bomb. The author wants to fix his mistakes because he thinks that it is very important to make sure history is recorded correctly.
I think the key points are when he went before and after the initial bombing. Also who really was on the flight.
I thought it was interesting how they got this mixed up the way they did.
If this happened to me I would want to fix it. The right people deserve this credit.
I agree that the author wants to fix the mistakes that he made, I think that is showing a lot of respect for who really did this.
This article has shown me to make sure I have all the right facts about things before I publish it.
I could type in the name of the book to find further information on this.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


wednesdays article

This article is about a lady named Mrs. Schwartz who was a victim of the holocaust but managed to survive. She strongly believed that having kids was important. She had her first kid when she was twenty three years old, and her oldest daughter right now is seventy five years old. She has over two hundred grand children. And they say she could likely have more than 2000 descendants.
I think the key points were how many descendants she had and how she survived the holocaust. I think that it is amazing how many descendants she has.
I think it was very interesting how she had her first child when she was twenty three and now that child is 75 years old. Also how she survived through the holocaust.
I think this would be kind of strange if it happened to me. Living to see all of the changes the world goes through. But I have to give respect for her to what her religious beliefs are.
I agree that she was quite a unique lady. Not very many people can pull of the stuff she did off.
This article has influenced me by showing me how many different things people can go through in their lives.
I could search her name to find further information on this.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tuesdays article

This article is about a photographer who is from Uzbekistan and was taking pictures of a boy in this enclosed place and has a mud floor. This kid looks extremely sad and looks deprived. The photographer who took this picture was taken to court and prosecuted. They say these pictures give off a bad image of what the country is and the beauty is has, also that is not what happens in the houses there.
The key points are why the photographer took the picture and also what her sentence is, not only that but also why she had to go to court over it.
I thought it was interesting how the picture was taken to court because it makes the country seem bad which it isn’t, also this picture was kind of set up.
I think that I would be angry if this happened to me because I was doing it just to take pictures and people take it the wrong way. But I can respect why the government did not want it to be published because of the image it instantly gives off of the country.
I agree that the picture did not get published because the things people could thing from it, I very much respect that.
This has influenced me because I know that not all countries can have freedom of press like we do in America.
I could search for the picture to find more information.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Monday Article

This article is about two people who both had lots of hardships. They both had a passion and kept working toward it, eventually accomplished it.
How each party got to accomplish their goals.
I think it is interesting how both of these people found each other and supported one another in every way they could. Also how they worked extremely hard to be able to this. Not only that but they started skiing and snowboarding at a much later age then most of the Olympic athletes.
I think this would be very unlikely to happen to me. I mean the odds of two brothers who had to work really hard to get their business started find me and help me with my problems. Especially because of where they are located but if this did happen I would be filled with a lot of gratitude.
I agree with how they were so willing to help each other out because they knew how hard each had to work and all of the sacrifices that they had to take to accomplish this. I don’t really disagree with anything in this article. This has influenced me because now I know if I work hard enough I can get anything accomplished.
I could search the names of these people.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Earthquake in Japan

I think that the earthquake in Japan has done a lot to effect the whole entire world. Now that it has moved Japan and affected the earths axis that could do all sorts of things to the worlds weather. Also the big tsunami changed peoples life forever. I have never lost a brother or sister or a family member but I have lost people really close to me. I can not even imagine what it would be like to lose your family members to something so tragic like this and not even being able to say goodbye or anything. Not only that but this whole deal has caused the mud to set like concrete. Because the mud that comes into the with the tsunami is like an avalanche when it stops it sets immediately, with how fast this is all moving by how fast it stops it sets up just like concrete. This terrible thing happened to many houses and cars. Thousands of peoples homes and most valuable possessions were lost in this, it is mind boggling to think what they are going through. But personally the best way to get through this would just give as much help to all of them as possible. I think there is bigger issue happening as a result of this massive earthquake, the Nuclear power plants. With this leak in the power plant and not being able to get to the emergency shut of room is a very big problem. With all of this radiation leaking out it could cause a extremely large amount of casualties. Maybe not right away but in the future it could cause people to have cancer. As we have seen the effects that can happen from radiation poison from the Nuclear bomb the United States set off in Japan during WW2. This can cause birth defects too. So far from all of the radiation that has leaked it has poisoned many beef farms. The radiation in these farms is predicted to take 30 years to get rid of completely and it be safe to farm again. This is a very bad thing for the worlds economy, knowing that it is quite bad this is not helping one bit. And since Japan can not export things that are normally grown on farms it will not be able to be sold in our stores and we will start to have a shortage of these important foods. Also it has effected the car industry quite a lot! Because certain car parts that are made over in Japan can not be sent over to our factories. And parts needed over in Japan can not receive them from our factories. Also many car paint colors are not able to be used. There are about 10 colors that can not be used recently. Black and gray are two main ones, mostly for pick up trucks though, and that loses sells for people at car dealer ships because people are usually set on one kind of color car that they want. This also has a very negative effect on our economy. Hopefully Japan can get all of the money and aid needed to get back on their feet and have things back to normal soon. Many people who have houses that were effected by the radiation are told they will not be able to go back into their homes for at least a month if not more. This is also bad because now these people have no place to stay. I feel sorry for all of the victims of Japan and just hope the best for them.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Revolution in Libya

I think that this could cause many problems. This big revolution that is starting up in Libya could cause lots of different nations to join in together and fight all different countries. This could cause more wars to start erupting and eventually turn in to a World War 3, and today we have quite the amount of special technology which has made warfare turn much more violent and very destructive. Not only have our weapons gotten much more powerful but also our ways of getting information out of people. So when two opposing countries capture each others soldiers and want information about the others military plans. Trying to get this could get quite brutal in the sense of torture. Not only that but our new warfare weapons have increased which would intensify the violence. Also the U.S.A and the U.N. are supplying the rebels in Libya with weapons to fight off the government. Some families from Libya that live in the United States are leaving to back to Libya and help their country during this revolution. I think that the United States should give the rebels weapons but not send troops in to Libya to help out. If we do this then all of Libya’s allies are going to come in and try to help the Libya government and this could cause a mass destruction. I think that this whole thing should be left alone in Libya. The whole entire world did not come in and help the United States when we had our revolution with Britain. We only had help from the French and that is because we would have lost with out it. The rebels may have lost without our help which it is okay for us to supply them with weapons but not troops. Not to mention that our whole entire deal in Iraq and Baghdad is taking up much of our countries military forces. I also wish that Libya would have had their revolution earlier before all of these nuclear bombs were invented because by the end of this there will be lots and lots of casualties because the leader said that he would not resign, he would have all of the rebels killed before he steps down. Also if the rebels keep on getting more and more weapons and ammunition from the United Nations then I think that the Libyan government will have some of their troops come and invade or even bomb the United States or other nations involved in the United Nations. And if this happens it would cause like the biggest chain reaction of warfare in history. Many terrorists who hate all of these good countries also could make a plan with the Libyan president and bomb some of the major cities in the world. And usually the most popular cities are the most populated so this would cause huge amounts of casualties. Even though all of the United Nations probably have the best military if we get attacked like crazy everyone will just freak out and kill everyone and nuke all enemy countries. So either Libya should make one huge push and try and take out all of the rebels and keep continuing the country or the rebels need to do the opposite. One of these plans is either going to succeed or fail. Either way it will cause Libya to be out of this huge mess they got into. And if the United Nations thinks that the winning side is not the right side to be in control then to make a major push to end the war and help Libya to rebuild their country.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


This is how the nuclear plants in Japan are having problems and the people are trying to shut them down.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Michael Jackson

Date of birth: August 29, 1958

Place of birth Gary, Indiana

Nickname: King of hiphop

Race: Black and white

Date of death:June 25, 2009

Michael Jackson was great at singing from the very start. Him and his brothers were in a band called the "Jackson Five". They had many famous songs, the most famous was probably ABC.. Michael took a lead part in that song, along with all the other songs. Out of all of his brothers he was the best singer. And by him being the best singer he was one of two who excelled to be a famous singer. Many think he was the greatest of all time.

Michael Jacksons dad was the one who pushed them the most. It has been reported that he would push them very hard, even sometimes resort to abusing them. In 1968, the Jackson Five hit big, they were signed to a label.

As Michael Jackson became older, his songs kept on getting more and more popular. He came out with many songs, some being Billie Jean, Dirty Dianna, Thriller, Black and White, and Beat it. These are not all of the songs he has made but some of them. He was awarded with a grammy for best rythm with the song Billie Jean. Awarded best pop vocal performance with his song Thriller and best Rock vocal performance with Beat it.

Michaels most known and famous song and music video is Thriller. He changed the way many music vidoes are made today. They all now mostly have a story line to them. Along with the acting

Thursday, February 17, 2011


This video was to show that Michael Jordan was not a perfect basketball player, he was extremely talented and good but he was not the perfect one. This video tells about how many times he has failed. And that you must fail first to suceed. Michael Jordan is a very well looked upon role model.

He has missed more than 9000 shots in his whole basketball career. This may seem like a very large number but you have to consider of how long he had played in the NBA. Not only that but no person in the entire league has ever made 100 percent of the shots they have taken. But he is saying that he practices a lot and fails and fails at things until he suceeds at them.

He then goes on to say that he has lost almost three hundred games. Although his team had the leading best record ever in the NBA and still holds it. Basketball is very much a team sport but many people saw Michael Jordan as somewhat a one man team, however he did have quite the assist count also. His teammates worded very well with him.

Twenty six times all of his coaches, teammates, and fans were having so much faith and trust in him to take the game winning shot, he took the shot and missed. Letting all of these people down. But compared to the number of shots he took and made to win games i wouldnt even compare. He failed 26 times and suceeded many more but he still had to fail.

This is video is very good. It is one about 30 seconds but it tell a lot. If you fail just keep trying until you suceed. Michael Jordan was cut in his sophmore year of high school. He went on to practice and practice until he made the team. Then little did his coach know he would end up to be the best basketballer player ever in the world.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Blogging is very much the same as journalism! Blogging is just the online way of being a journalist instead of on paper. In the blog you do you the same things that you would do in a journal. You post your opinion on things and also things you like or have interest in. This is like saying that a sports journalist for a online newspaper can not be called a news writer.

Not everybody has this same opinion as me but i think that it is very clear and obvious. This is like saying that a red apple is green. Obviously the apple is red but someone just wants to say it is green to create a problem.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

John Stockton 3 pointer

John Stockton played 20 games in the the 96-97 NBA playoffs. He did very good in this. He took the Jazz all the way to the finals to verse the greatest basketball player Micahael Jordan. John Stockton and Karl Malone had the famous passing scheme "Stockton to Malone"

John Stockton had very amazing and tricky passes. By many people, even the commentators he was known as the "mailman". He would alsways be passing and making shots that are really good/ delivering the mail! Not very many people were able to stop him.

He was also coached by one of the best basketball coaches of all time, Jerry Sloan. These two were just perfect for each other because they both had a competative and winning mentality, they were not afraid of any team. This really helped the Jazz. Although Jerry Sloan had been coaching for 22 years he retired on Feb. 10, 2011. His retirement was a extreme shocker, many people honored him but many are not happy with his decision.

John Stockton also had the great oppurtunities to play against many of the NBA best players of all times. Michael Jordan, Scotty Pippin, Brian Russel, Karl Malone, Dennis Rodman, and many others. This era of basketball players basically changed the NBA forever. Although many people do believe that only Michael Jordan had this impact, personally i think they all had a big part in it.

After this amazing game winning shot to go the NBA finals against the Chicago Bulls, it was very intense but Michael Jordans talent trumped the very good talent and team work of the Utah Jazz. Many people are still mad about the times that the Jazz lost to the Bulls, I think that Michael Jordan was an amazing player and I have no reason to be mad at him. John Stocktons number '12' was retired in the Delta Center, now known as The Energy Solutions Arena, but his number will not be warn again by any Future Jazz players.


The Utah Jazz basketball team is the best! They are coached by an amazing coach Jerry Sloan. They also have one of the best point gaurds in the NBA, Deron Williams aka..D-Will